Recent content by BellaM

  1. BellaM

    Can I milk my doe

    Awesome, thank you for the info! 🤗
  2. BellaM

    Can I milk my doe

    😂😂😂 When you say you wait 2 weeks, do you start milking straight away but only use the milk (for human consumption) after 2 weeks?
  3. BellaM

    Can I milk my doe

    I'm likely to have the same issue 🤔. Thanks for the heads-up 👍
  4. BellaM

    Can I milk my doe

    Thank you so much! 🙏🤩🤗
  5. BellaM

    Can I milk my doe

    My doe had a stillborn birth on Friday. Her milk has come in - can I milk her? TIA! 🪷
  6. BellaM

    Emergency please

    Thank you, and to everyone who replied - much appreciated! 🤗 She passed the placenta and is doing fine this morning, although she is sad (and p*ssed at me). I've had goats for 5 years, and this is the first time I've had something go wrong and it would be when I'm alone and it's at night 🙄...
  7. BellaM

    Emergency please

    I have removed the kid, I don't see anything in the vagina. My doe is eating so I'm going to take that as a good sign. I'll keep watch for the placenta 👍. If there isn't another kid and no placenta - it's 9:30PM here, can it wait for the morning for the vet?
  8. BellaM

    Emergency please

    😱 ... I'll try, thank you.
  9. BellaM

    Emergency please

    My doe has just delivered a stillborn kid. She's now just lying down. She was panting but appears to be calmer. I've given her some molasses in water. I don't know what to do next?
  10. BellaM

    I think she's eaten something she shouldn't have

    Good morning all ☀️. First up, humblest apologies if I don't get back to you with feedback or a thank you. I'm in South Africa so very different time zone - it usually takes at least 12 hours, but often more for me to receive your answers/suggestions, and then implement them or do further...
  11. BellaM

    Goaty milk

    Hello everyone, does anyone know why a doe's milk would start tasting goaty fresh from the udder? I thought she might be pregnant (our buck escaped a few months ago) but she's definitely not because she's just been in heat. Her milk has been goaty for about two weeks or so.
  12. BellaM

    Feed going to waste.

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for suggestions to prevent/minimise feed (pellets) going to waste? I have NDG and Saanen (polled and horned). The NDG especially are naughty - they flip their "troughs" upside down and drag them around, so the feed ends up on the floor or wet if it rains or overnight...
  13. BellaM

    Natural dewormers for goats

    Hi everyone ☀️ ... Just some background info - I currently treat (chemically) twice a year - beginning of summer, after the first good rains, and 6 months later - (the goat keepers around me deworm every 3-4 months - excessive I feel), and I rotate through the 3 different dewormers available to...
  14. BellaM

    Fat or just matronly?

    Lady Mae has a "bit of a spread" but who wouldn't after 4 pregnancies 😅 ... Thanks for the feedback. I think I just needed reassurance 😊
  15. BellaM

    Fat or just matronly?

    Thank you! I had a feel and she doesn't have any extra padding... I didn't think she was overweight and yes, after 4 pregnancies I'd expect her to have lost her figure 😏