Recent content by Bruce

  1. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    Sounds like a Derecho. Sad about all the devastation.
  2. Bruce

    Poka_Doodle's journal

    Sounds more like her parents are farmers and she is a venture capitalist!
  3. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    Maybe a microburst?? Whatever it was, it was something BIG! Even hurricanes don't blow out skyscraper windows do they?
  4. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    :ep Damn, that is some wind. No hurricanes, did a tornado come through?
  5. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    When I was checked it was overnight at the sleep center. hooked up to leads. Discovered I have mild narcolepsy as well. Don't know how that wristband compares for accuracy/diagnosis. That is exactly how I found out I needed to be checked. Sure explained the "tired in the morning with a...
  6. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    As one who has had sleep apnea for over 30 years: 1) I'm glad he is going to get checked. "Again" sounds odd since the symptoms are pretty solid. I guess the test wasn't conclusive. Overnight in a sleep center I presume? 2) You could be a bit more sympathetic ;) Hopefully he will get proper...
  7. Bruce


    Wow, flash from the past and I just caught sight of it! Must be moved by now I guess. I hope everything is going well. And you have a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks. 🎂
  8. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    Sorry she flooded out yet again, but it was inevitable. So much of the area around Houston was built in areas where storm water used to safely drain to. Still drains there only now it floods houses. Really glad she has finally decided to give up on that house. 3rd or 4th time it has flooded out...
  9. Bruce

    Poka_Doodle's journal

    Let me know when you run the Vermont City Marathon in Burlington. 25 miles south of me. My sister-in-law lives in Alexandria, VA. She's run the Marine Marathon a number of times. I might be able to get you a space on the couch if you do it. Of course I'd have to ask her first ;)
  10. Bruce

    Herd Humor

    I love it! I should ask my sister if she cuts cakes that way.
  11. Bruce

    Herd Humor

    If you get a solar array be aware that you also need batteries if the grid power goes out.
  12. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    So I shouldn't rehome to elsewhere on the property the one that I see on the game camera between the barns? Hmm, or maybe I should. It always shows up when it is well after dark when the chickens are locked up in their "Fort Knox" stall coop. I also see a skunk and the ever present...
  13. Bruce

    Baymule’s Journal

    Glad those are under cover. The wood fence (here when we bought the place) was patched together like that. Made it easy to attach to the round posts since the boards spanned the posts and were joined between posts. But ... all the board ends under the patch areas have rotted while the rest of...
  14. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    Until the bill comes ;)
  15. Bruce

    Coffee anyone ?

    Slow catching up Wow, I'm so sorry!!! I hope they can fix you up. :hugs One quiet night in the bedroom then out to the barn with their Mama Heating Pad brooder or to a broody hen. No light, they sleep. MHP for the win every time. Though now I have Zeus so any new chicks will be out in the barn...