Search results

  1. Beekissed

    Common milkweed and hair sheep....

    I've got a large stand of common milkweed in the pasture my hair sheep are in and they will soon reach that stand in their rotation. They LOVE the milkweed when they find it here and there in each paddock and they've had no ill effects, but I don't know about letting them into such a large...
  2. Beekissed

    Tell me about your farm workhorses...ATVs, 4 wheelers, tractors, side by sides, etc.

    Never owned a 4 wheeler before we started turning this place into a sheep farm. My dad HATED 4 wheelers and how they tore up the land, as he had never known any except those rode by the people who came out from the towns each weekend in fair weather, found some back road and even someone else's...
  3. Beekissed

    LGD puppy developed bowing of legs

    .....home remedies for this? When she arrived her legs were nice and straight but a mistake on my part of adding higher protein food to her diet caused a sudden bowing of her front legs. Decreased the protein but added milk and a B complex vitamin to her diet and that seemed to be taking care...
  4. Beekissed

    Herding Dogs

    Can't believe we don't have a herding dog section on BYHs! the market for a herding dog so I can eventually have help moving these sheep around and I think I found one. Will go look at him on Wed. evening. Anyone familiar with the Hangin' Tree Cowdog breed? I didn't even know...
  5. Beekissed

    Sheep and dietary copper

    When I peruse this site: ...and see how much copper my sheep are ingesting each day as they graze some paddocks that are entirely of browse plants such as these and other tree and vine fodder, I have to wonder about all the paranoia surrounding copper levels...
  6. Beekissed

    Are your black sheep black?

    Having a discussion on a FB page with Katahdin owners about black sheep having brown wool. This topic has interested me since an incident I had with my black sheep this summer wherein the wool went from black to brown on her back...but when a situation was corrected, it went back to black...
  7. Beekissed

    Poll on lambing, kidding, calving, foaling, hatching, kindling.

    I've always wondered this and why folks choose certain times of year to have babies on the farm. It helps if you describe the weather conditions you experience at that time of year.
  8. Beekissed

    Bud boxes for moving sheep into chutes and low stress handling tips.

    Have been doing research on how to structure my sorting pens I'll be building in the spring and came upon videos on the bud box idea. After watching how easily livestock were moved through pens and into a loading chute, I'm going to incorporate that style of pen into my design. Was wondering...
  9. Beekissed

    Katahdin body styles...

    I was reading an interesting article awhile back about two types of body styles noticed in the Katahdin breed: My last Katahdin had the type A body and hair, but this pair I have now are a little mixed up and...
  10. Beekissed

    Culling to make the herd suit your management and pasture.

    Wonderful view on husbandry and one that I share: Greg Judy on parasite resistant sheep, not deworming livestock, graining sheep vs. grass fed sheep, etc. His portion of the vid is a little ways into it. What kinds...
  11. Beekissed

    Holistic pasture management/farming.....

    ....anyone doing it? Through the Lord's leading, I had started some of these methods over the years and even here recently (found, by God's design, how much seed and fertilizer there is in mulch hay and started scavenging for it to spread on this nutrient poor soil)without having knowledge...
  12. Beekissed

    Deep litter for sheep...

    ....anyone doing it? Now, by deep litter I'm referring to a composting type of litter, not merely deep bedding that gets cleaned out in the spring and piled up to compost. I know a lot of folks use deep bedding in the barns for wintering livestock and that's not exactly what I'm wanting to...
  13. Beekissed

    Feelin' a bit sheepish...

    ...and loving it! Getting back into sheep in a small way and need a place to journal about it all. Starting again with Katahdins, my fave breed, and will keep a very small herd of one full time ram, a wether and a few ewes until I see what my pasture can support. Won't have the wether until...
  14. Beekissed

    Watering nipples...anyone have them for sheep?

    I got the basic Lixit nipple for the sheep but can't seem to train them in its use...smeared it with peanut butter and that disappeared but they still aren't drinking from that source, though they didn't have any other source. Drank like crazy after being penned in with the nipple as the only...
  15. Beekissed

    Parasite resistance vs. parasite tolerance

    The other day I had read a conversation on here or another forum about breeding/culling for parasite resistance in hair breeds and I can't remember where I was reading it, so figured I'd open the discussion here. I've been studying up on what folks are trying to accomplish in these hair...
  16. Beekissed

    Herd Humor

    Saw this on TEG and had to share it here....I grin every time I see it! Share your herd humor!!!
  17. Beekissed

    A place to discuss natural treatment of parasites

    I saw this forum doesn't have many posts on it and not much activity, which saddens me. I'm a big fan of using natural means to maintain health when at all possible, especially for animals. Lately I've been exploring the same methods for my dogs, though I've used natural methods on them down...
  18. Beekissed

    The Education of Ben

    *******Warning: Thread may contain graphic pics of blood, innards, dead animals, etc., as we live on and work a homestead, on which this pup's job is integral. If this offends you, you might want to leave the thread now. ****** Thought I'd move my training of our 2.5 mo. old LGD pup over to a...
  19. Beekissed

    A more natural way to incubate experiment in natural nest incubation.

    I've started an experiment on simulating a broody hatch over on BYC and wondered if anyone here had ever done anything like this:
  20. Beekissed

    Backyard Chicken Butchering Workshop in WV

    Backyard Homestead Chicken Processing Workshop June 2nd , 8a - 10a , 30 min. from Parkersburg, past WVU-P on Rt. 47. For those who would like to learn how to kill, pluck and process a chicken in a humane and efficient manner. Youll receive a live chicken to dispatch, pluck, and process...